OrthoWell Smart app: Lying analysis


Simple, fast and precise: the "Lying analysis Button automatische Einstellung" measures you in your favorite sleeping position on the Dynaglobe® air core mattress, determines the optimum pressure for you and automatically adjusts itself to you. The pressure value determined is saved directly in the "Night mode Button Nachtmodus".



Select your preferred sleeping preference using the buttons "soft - medium - firm". With the fine adjustment options below, you can either relieve or support specific problem zones such as the shoulders or pelvis. Use the "+" and "–" buttons to make adjustments.

Note: To avoid a too great difference in pressure, only one problem zone can be adjusted at a time. As soon as you adjust a second problem zone with "+" or "–", the first problem zone is automatically set to the normal state "=".

The program now guides you step by step through the measurement: At the beginning, the mattress must calibrate itself without body weight. Make sure that the mattress is not loaded during this process. The program will then ask you to lie down in bed in your preferred sleeping position. Press the "OK button Button OK" not until you are in your sleeping position and do not move afterwards if possible. During this phase, the pressure difference that your body exerts on the mattress is measured. The pressure determined from this is set automatically and saved in the "Night mode Button Nachtmodus".

Note: The calculated firmness level is a guide value and is based on the pressure differences that your body exerts on the mattress. Your personal body sensation is decisive in determining whether you are satisfied with this value. You can adjust the firmness level at any time on the home screen and save it in "Night mode" by pressing and holding Night mode Button Nachtmodus. Alternatively, you can change and save your day and night mode values in menu "Memory Button Memory" at any time.


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